Friday, February 4, 2011

Puzzle Arcade Lite v1.1 is now Live!

The new version is available at the App Store, looking for "Puzzle Arcade", "Puzzle Arcade Lite" or in Categories - Puzzle or Arcade. If you have downloaded before, you should get a notification in your device.

Please give it a try, you will find a much better and challenging experience, as better controls, smarter enemies, etc...

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I’m Yaniv, Co-founder & CEO at PlayerDuel.

    We launched our first version at TNW2012, you can see a video of the presentation -

    PlayerDuel is a platform that can turn single-player mobile games into "play with friends" games.
    The new version will give you the ability to design the pages so it will look like a part of your games.

    - It's free and very simple.
    - No need of servers.
    - Facebook open graph is included in our SDK.
    - Your games will appear in our website – new way to get more PR.
    - Get $200 for every game that will be online on the app store.

    It will be great to have a Skype call with you.

